How does an HRV measurement work?

We measure heart rate variability with a chest strap or a small HRV recorder that is fixed to your chest with two adhesive electrodes. With the measuring devices, you can and should go about your normal daily routine of leisure, sport, work and sleep undisturbed.

The measurement starts automatically as soon as you put it on. During the measurement (chest strap system with Bluetooth) or after the end of the recording, the data is transferred to the computer via the integrated USB port (recorder system). All results are immediately available in the analysis portal.

What results do I get?

The approximately 100,000 heartbeat data of a 24-hour measurement are transformed into a diagram by our software using a mathematical method (AR). The color representation of this diagram resembles a fire. The more intense and dense the colors (blue, red, yellow, etc.) and the higher the "flames" blaze in the "fire of life", the higher the heart rate variability and therefore the fitter and more vital the person is at the moment.

Why should I measure 24 hours?

The heart rate variability already provides initial information with a short-term measurement over five minutes. Measurements over 24 hours, on the other hand, allow a dynamic and in-depth insight into the functional everyday physiology of a person and their adaptive-anticipatory reaction patterns. The extent of the ability to adapt to stress can be read from biological patterns that are mutually dependent on each other.

What does the system deliver?

Die Software liefert per Mausklick detailliert statistisch aufbereitete geschlechts- und alterskorrelierte Ergebnisse zu allen Zeit- und Frequenzdaten der Herzratenvariabilität (min/max HR, avg. HR, Total Power, VLF, ULF, LF, HF, …) und alle wichtigen Grafiken (HRV-Spektrogramm „Lebensfeuer“, Pulskurve, Atmung, Puls-Atem-Quotient, Scatterplot, Histogramm, Tachogramm) inklusive Zoom-Funktion.

Mit der Click&See-Funktion können Aktivitäten umfassend analysiert und HRV-Daten zu jedem Messzeitpunkt eingesehen werden. Die Software errechnet mittels referenzierender Algorithmen auf Basis physiologischer Gesetzmäßigkeiten mehr als 100 Ergebnisse in Form von (Ampel)grafiken und Zahlenwerten und auf Wunsch bis zu 50 Seiten PDF-Dokumentation pro Messung.

Die AutonomHealth HRV-Analyse wird laufend weiterentwickelt, verfügt über ein 6-faches Filtersystem und greift auf eine Datenbank mit mehr als 90'000 Messungen zu.