I am looking forward to welcoming you here. I use the collegial "you" here, not only addressing private individuals, but also company owners and executives. Even if there are many offers to discover on this website, for me the focus is always only on people. I look forward to getting to know you! Sincerely, Matthias Augustin
Click here to order your sleep diary for free
Read MoreTreat yourself to a supervised break. Work out for yourself what your next steps are and relax in the fantastically beautiful mountains of Uri
Read MoreThe fascination of sleep The key to your balance, energy and health. In this unique experience over 2 days and nights, sleep is considered and deepened from all its facets. Each participant receives an individual HRV measurement with a meaningful report. Practical tips and exercises complete the experience. In addition, the relaxing alpine world and the unique ambience of the Berglodge37 offer relaxing and restful moments.
Read MoreWhat great news! I was selected as one of the TOP 20 EXECUTIVE coaches in Zurich by LinkedIn, the largest global professional network. This was not a marketing campaign on my part, but was judged by an independent jury on the basis of my profile, offer, attractiveness, my activities and messages. And this just for my birthday .... THANK YOU!
Read More- Kompetenzen, Skills, Werte - Berufung und berufliche Neuorientierung - Bewerbungsoptimierung, CV-Check - Interview Vorbereitung - Aktive Selbstpositionierung - Persönlichkeitsentwicklung - Balance, Resillienz und mentale Gesundheit (inkl. Burnout-Prävention & Schlaf) - Adapt & Succeed ExPat Coaching - Begleitete Auszeit in der Berglodge37
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In order to achieve their own ambitious goals, every successful top athlete or decision-maker in business works with a mentor or coach. Do you want to take outstanding steps? Do you have an ambitious goal? Then do it like the best in the world: Get your sparring partner!
Do you suffer from stress in the job?
Du bist in vielen Dingen verunsichert?
Want to change something in your life?
Do you now need a professional reorientation?
Do you want to draw up a competency assessment?
Do you want to go other ways in your application?
You have a dream, but you don't live it...?
Do you want better communication?
You (doubt) doubt?
You don't (yet) come to TUN?
Your inner resistance slows you down?
You don't know what's next?
Your energy level increases with new solutions. And you focus on your new goals
Live your dream - not only in the next future, but start now.
Well can handle highs and lows, that is, live in balance. With mindfulness, I show you how to live lightly and healthily and how you become more resilient to the challenges of life.
Self-determined, you take the steering wheel of your life in your hands and focus on your goals.
- Free - Introductory talk - Personal coaching session in the Zurich area - Online coaching (with Zoom, Apple Facetime, Whatsapp, or MS Teams) - Coaching on the sailing ship - HRV measurement - ProfilingValues - Time out / retreat
In order to accompany, develop and increase the performance and impact of individuals, teams and entire organizations, three approaches form a whole: LP3 LEADER LP3 TEAM LP3 PARTNERS
Learn MoreMaintain an objective, scientific and extremely efficient view of personality. For recruitment, career design or individual coaching For team development For sales and leadership development
Learn MoreDie Herzratenvariabilität (HRV) zeigt die Anpassungsfähigkeit eines Organismus und ist damit ein Maß für Gesundheit. Ein variabler Herzschlag deutet auf einen guten Gesundheitszustand hin, ein gleichbleibender Puls hingegen ist als Warnzeichen zu betrachten. Für die Burnout-Prävention von Führungskräften und Mitarbeitenden
Learn MoreIndividual support for managers and employees - For onboarding - In growth - In reorganizations - In conflicts - In case of overload - In strategy development
Learn MoreA 360 degree program to safely integrate global mobile talent and their families into the new country, culture and environment
Learn More
Erfahre hier mehr über LP3!
Als zertifizierter LP3 Trainer kann ich in Deiner Organisation das Verständnis über Führung und Zusammenarbeit nachhaltig verändern.
With extensive experience and expertise, I advise and support the management and executives in your LP3 implementation strategy.
Power, potential and performance with the management teams and the supervisors as well as with the teams. The 9 dimensions are worked out in detail and development potentials are defined.
LP3 Power Sessions are short workshop content of 60, 90 or 120 minutes for small and medium-sized teams to work on a specific topic and develop concrete measures from it.
The LP3 360 Degree Assessement is a valuable reflection and development tool for all managers. Own and external image over the 9 dimensions are displayed graphically. From this, further development potentials can be discerned.
Regularly exchange and reflect on leadership topics with like-minded people - this in a small context.
For all topics in leadership - trustful coaching and mentoring for reflection and change.
With over 70 impulse cards in a compact box, executives receive a valuable toolbox for their daily work.
For individual needs, I am happy to put together a tailor-made offer. I look forward to your contact!
Can an individual help make the world a better place?
Learn MoreWhat can individuals contribute to successful partnership?
Learn MoreProfilingValues made easy - The evaluation is sent as a PDF summary by email.
ProfilingValues for individuals, including report and personal coaching
ProfilingValues for employees and executives, including report, balance report and personal coaching
ProfilingValues in a team, from 2 people incl. team report and on request personal coaching for each team member
ProfilingValues SALES as an add-on to PV Easy or PV Premium - for employees in responsible sales positions
ProfilingValues LEADER as add-on to PV Easy or PV Premium - for executives, GL members, boards of directors
ProfilingValues Team roles overview with external feedback from 3 people if desired
You will receive valuable impulses, new perspectives and practical tools. You are re-motivated to tackle your challenging goals consistently.
Seminarbeschreibung Ein Drittel unserer Lebenszeit verbringen wir im Schlaf, doch wir wissen kaum etwas darüber. Und nur 50% der Bevölkerung hat einen gesunden und erholsamen Schlaf. Auch die durchschnittliche Schlafdauer hat sich in den letzten 50 Jahren massiv verringert, was grosse Auswirkungen auf unsere Leistungsfähigkeit hat. Wir wissen, dass der Schlaf für uns lebensnotwendig ist und unsere Gesundheit direkt beeinflusst. Doch wie genau kann sich während des Schlafens der Körper regenerieren? Was kann ich tun, um meine Schlafsituation zu verstehen und zu verbessern? Wie kann ich mich tagsüber verhalten, damit ich nachts besser regenerieren kann? In diesem einzigartigen Erlebinar über 2 Tage und Nächte wird der Schlaf von all seinen Facetten betrachtet und vertieft. Jede teilnehmende Person erhält eine individuelle HRV-Messung mit aussagekräftigem Bericht. Praxistipps und Übungen ergänzen das Erlebinar. Zudem bietet die erholsame Alpenwelt und die einzigartige Ambiance der Berglodge37 entspannende und erholsame Momente.Read More
2023 Further training as a company mentor / coach SCA with federal certificate
26.06.20232022 Ex-Pat Facilitator certification
30.09.20222017: Master of Cognitive Neuroscience (aon) with the master thesis "Sleep & Regeneration"
01.09.20172017 Specialist for company health management (IHK)
01.03.20172016: Training in Nonviolent Communication NVC according to Marshall Rosenberg at the Blickwinkel Academy in Munich
01.10.20162016: Certified ProfilingValues Master and Balance Coach
01.05.20162016: Certified LP3 Leadership Trainer
01.05.20162014: SVEB1 adult educator
01.05.2016Since 2008 certified HRV Autonomous Health Professional
01.03.20082008: High Performance Coaching Training
01.11.2008Various management courses at Siemens
01.06.20042002 Strategic Visioning & Graphic Facilitation at Grove Consultants, USA
01.09.20021998: Apprenticeship as a graduate business informatics specialist WI II
01.03.19981996: Apprenticeship as IT project manager with federal certificate
01.10.1996Apprenticeship as a draftsman
01.04.1982In my work as a coach, mentor and trainer, I align myself with the humanistic view of humanity of Charlotte Bühler, Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers. They see people as relationship-oriented, free and decision-making, responsible, educationally interested and striving for personal development beings. Man is unique, capable and inherently good. As a holistic being with a constructive core by nature, he already carries the solutions to problems within himself.
Ein weiterer Aspekt in meiner Tätigkeit ist die Individualpsychologie von Alfred Adler. Er sieht den Menschen als ein zielorientiertes und soziales Wesen. Wichtig für das Verständnis über den Menschen ist es, sich dessen Ziele vor Augen zu halten. Dabei unterscheidet Adler zwischen bewussten Zielen („Ich will etwas haben, also kaufe ich es mir.“) und den verborgenen Zielen, die auf der unbewussten Ebene zu finden sind. Ich finde es im Coaching sehr spannend, ganz gezielt zu diesen unbewussten Zielen zu gelangen und sich diese bewusst zu machen. Hier kann schnell ein Perspektivenwechsel beginnen.
In addition, I orientate myself on positive psychology, originally mentioned by Abraham Maslow for the first time in 1954 and further developed by the American psychologist Martin Seligman in 1998. It deals with the basics of the good life and with favorable conditions of well-being that make a life worth living. His considerations also tie in with the flow experience defined by the Hungarian-American psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihaly and with the ideas of humanistic psychology.
In the context of my work on prevention and health promotion, I also follow Aaron Antonovsky's concept of salutogenesis. He assumes that everyone has the basic desire to increase the health shares and thereby become healthier. Accordingly, the salutogenesis model aims to support people in strengthening their health potential. When using this model, the existing resources are used.
Last but not least, I supplement my image of man with the work of Robert S. Hartman (1910-1973), the founder of formal axiology (mathematically exact value science), which is particularly valuable to me. He was a mathematician and professor of philosophy and fled from the Nazis to the USA in 1932 during World War II. The atrocities of the Nazis were the decisive reason why Robert S. Hartman devoted himself entirely to research into the "good" in the second half of his life. He was driven by the question of why the brutal and inhuman rulers always seemed to be the more powerful in history. He himself regarded human life as infinitely valuable.
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